
Prizba Korcula is a summer seaside resort which is situated on the south coast of the island of Korcula. Prizba spreads 5 kilometres along the island of Korcula coast, starting from the bay of Grscica and extending towards the small peninsulas Priscapac and Vinacac. It consists of several bays and a picturesque peninsula called Ratak. There are several restaurants and shops in this area. The shops are well equipped and in the restaurants you will find the first class offer of all Korcula’s specialties: fish, meat, vegetables and wines.
The best part of Prizba are four little islets. (Vrhovnjak, Sridnjak, Crklica i Stupa). They are situated 800 meters far from the island of Korcula coast. These islets are uninhabited and they are covered with pine trees with many nice places for swimming and enjoying the sun or resting in the deep shade of the trees. There can also be found specialties, delicious shells and sea urchins, which can be consumed directy from the sea.
Prizba is unique and well known as a place where the best apartments of the island of Korcula are situated. Apartments are among the pine trees, 5-50 meters away from the sea with private beaches. There are several apartments among olive trees in the middle of Prizba not far from one of the best pebble beaches on the island of Korcula. Prizba is suitable for keeping boats as well. You can also rent a boat to visit the most beautful part of Prizba, the nearby islets.