Dry Dock Korcula And Boat Transport


Dry dock on Korcula island – Bonaventura dry marine service in Blato: https://www.bonaventura.co/en/dry-dock/ Years of experience with boat lifting, transport and deployment using a truck with a crane. Boat transport on a trailer to your desired location or to our dry dock in Blato on Korcula island. Storage and maintenance of sailboats, speedboats and other […]


Rent A Car Korcula

rent a car korcula

Rent a car on Korcula island – Bonaventura service in Blato: https://www.bonaventura.co/en/car-hire-korcula/ Commuting around the island of Korcula is somewhat limited when it comes to public transport. Exploring coves and finding hidden beaches is much easier in a motorized vehicle. Asphalt or macadam roads connect almost every part of the island. Drive through vineyards of the […]


Google Street View on the Island of Korcula

It’s been awhile since Google Street View shot this for Google Map of the island of Korcula, but we’d like to show it once again, if you haven’t seen it yet… because it is an interesting way to get to know the islands in Croatia, plan your holiday, or to have another insight on accommodation […]


Izrada betonske galanterije


Nudimo izradu betonskih elemenata kojima ete brzo, funkcionalno i povoljno urediti vaše apartmane, kuće i okućnice. Ponuda betonskih proizvoda: barokni stupići za ograde balkona, terasa, kuća vaze i fontane grčki stupovi i lampe fasadni kamen   Izdvajamo preko 20 raznovrsnih tipova stupića (kolone) za balkone i ograde, razne vrste vaza i žardinjera te fontana za […]